My niece, Loralai, is the the first of four babies that will be new to my family in the next 5 months, (a cousin in March, and twin nieces in July). Loralai, her dimples, and long eye lashes are beautiful, and so far she looks like her mom. Here are some photos of the sweet baby girl.
Loralai with her Uncle Jon.
with her Aunt Kathryn. one of these things is not like the others . . . finally someone in this family who looks different--mmmm, for now. Ashley loves Todd, and Loralai loves to snuggle.
February 17th I photographed a fun couple's wedding in Garner, NC. Trina and Andy got married at Trina's family's church, Holland's United Methodist Church, and then we headed to Eagle Ridge Golf Club for the reception. I took a whole team of photographers, which probably seemed like overkill to the guests. Most of my wedding packages include two photographers so I definitely took my favorite assistant/2nd photographer--my husband. But a soon-to-be UNC grad, Kelly, is interested in shooting with me in the future, so she came along too, to "audition". Trina and Andy probably felt like celebrities with the paparazzi following them around all day.
No Peeking . . . This bride and groom wanted photos together without seeing each other before the wedding.
It's been too long since I last posted photos, so hopefully over the next few days I'll get you all up-to-date on what has been happening at Studio 310 in the last month or so.
First up: Smifield Parks & Recreation, Annual Daddy Daughter Dance This is the 3rd year Studio 310 photographed all the ladies with their dads at the dance. The past couple years my dad and I worked together—a fun Daddy/Daughter Photo Team for the Daddy/Daughter Dance—but because of limited space, my dad shot this one solo. I'm sorry I missed all the excited girls in their fancy dresses. I'm looking forward to both of us working in the Parks & Rec's big new facility next year.
All the proofs can be viewed and prints can be ordered from Studio 310's online store—Photoreflect.